Scientific & Mathematical Proof of God

What are the odds that life began spontaneously?
The odds calculated by scientists and mathematicians range over 1:1050 up to 1:102,000,000,000 . One chance in 1050 is written out like this: 1:10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
It is important to note that once the mathematical threshold of 10 to the 50th power is reached, it is past all probability that, even in an eternity of time, there is ANY chance of the event on which one is calculating odds to occur.
Enter, expert and renowned, British Professors Sir Fred Hoyle, an agnostic of Christian background, and Chandra Wickramamsinghe, an atheist Buddhist born in Shri Lanka. These two colleagues publicized their intention to make the calculation of these odds. They were very clear on one point – that the notion of a “creator” was inconsistent with science.
According to the London Daily Express on August 14, 1981: independently, “each found that the odds against the spark of life igniting accidentally on earth were staggering – in mathematical jargon’ 1:1040,000!”
Upon delivering this calculation to the public, Sir Fred wanted to make it very clear what this huge number meant in practical terms. He summarized it something like this: it is more likely that a tornado going through a junk yard would assemble a 747 airplane on the other side than that there is no God.
Wickramamsinghe was quoted as saying, “That number is such an Imponderable in the universe that I am 100 per cent certain that life could not have started spontaneously on Earth. … I am quite uncomfortable in the situation, the state of mind I now find myself in. But there is no logical way out of it.”
Both these men of higher learning then announced that they were now believers.
That was in 1981. Since then, scores of scientists and mathematicians have made the same kind of calculation. As we’ve noted, the results have been over 1:1050 and ranged up to 1:102,000,000 by well-known scientist Carl Sagan. All are in favor of the existence of a Supreme Being.
Yet, in our public schools and other civic forums, evolution is being taught and accepted as a FACT and creationist theories are scoffed at. Why? Cui bono? Who benefits?