Addiction/Substance Abuse

All addictions lie – especially street drugs.
Street drugs and other additions steal your life, your money, your self-respect, your health, your opportunities, and your potential. They mangle relationships and your children’s lives.
Living Consciously® is an intervention that gets at the CAUSES of substance abuse and addictions – not just the symptoms. At the same time, it teaches the principles of constructive living and their practical application in real, everyday life. These are the greatest protection against addictions of all kinds.
Hear what Kevin, a recovery coach, has to say.
Individuals do not begin abusing substances without pre-existing conditions that make them vulnerable to use. Without addressing these hidden causes to substance abuse, individuals will continue to be at-risk to use and face much greater obstacles to permanent recovery.
The Living Consciously® programs deals with these causal factors to substance abuse – not just the symptoms. In fact, the effects of these causal factors is so detrimental to quality of life and their connection to potential substance abuse so strong, that we call them Living Consciously “drugs”.
In Living Consciously, a “drug” is anything that we indulge that temporarily relieves or reduces discomfort. But, its use keeps us in an out-of-balance, vulnerable state. Substance abuse is simply at the extreme end of the “temporary relief” scale.
After physical, drug detox, if someone returns to their unhappiness and misery, without a means to remove it, self- medication becomes a temptation again. Until the causal factors for substance abuse are dealt with, recovery from substance abuse is likely to be spotty and temporary. The Living Consciously process also teaches and enhances the ability to not desire or need using substances.
The number of people fighting substance abuse in our society today is staggering and growing.
See also: Results in Reducing Substance Abuse