Criminality & Prison Reentry

(These photos were taken about six weeks apart, before leaving prison and about two weeks after the Living Consciously(® seminar.)
People are not disposable. Living Consciously has proven itself to be an important factor in restoring individuals, who have history with the criminal justice system, into rewarding, fruitful lives that are assets to their community.
How we do it together
To accomplish this, we put in the hands of these men and women effective tools to break free from substance abuse (over 80% are suffering from it). anger, the ability to see another person as a victim or a mark, and many other barriers to success.
Living Consciously is an intervention that gets at the causes of behavioral sabotage – not just the symptoms. At the same time, it teaches the principles of constructive living and their practical application in real, everyday life.
We also have similarly successful experience with adjudicated youth.
Living Consciously provides the key to removing the cause of criminality by removing the ability to see any other person as a potential victim. They cannot do the crime if they can no longer accept that it is OK to victimize another person.
The journey to this monumental and essential change begins gently, but firmly, through a practical, simple look at how to take helpful, sure control of one’s own life – how to build a quality life that can be protected. This passage heals, reestablishes their humanity, and the courage to be empathetic.
The realization of the Highest Common Denominator – the LIFE within each of us – establishes an ever-present link with every other person. Exploration of the essence and reality of that truth changes their conscious relationship with others. This transition has been successful in about 95% of the people, reentering society from prison, who have experienced Living Consciously.
See: Measuring Success – the Stats and Before and After Photos.