Our Highest Common Denominator
Our Highest Common Denominator (HCD) is our LIFE inside us. This LIFE force is the one thing we all have in common! It is that we are alive. It transcends toxic diversity.
From this shining point, we all want the same things. Begin with Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs: food, clothing and shelter. Then add that we all want to be loved, to be valued and respected, and to have opportunity to improve our quality of life. Most of us want to make our community and world a better place.
The HCD of each of us expresses itself in choices within, and through, the four primary aspects of a human being: mental, emotional, physical, and spirit.
When we perceive and honor this same LIFE in each other, love and acknowledgement flows between us, healing all fear, hatred, and discord. It heals and dissolves all that is not love. When we see and honor each other as this Highest Common Denominator, LIFE, it helps us to be patient and to forgive each other.
Without recognition of this Highest Common Denominator in ourselves and all other persons, everything goes out of alignment and loses focus. Or, it sidetracks focus for valuing each individual for something that is less important and, thereby, becomes unsustainable.
LIFE comes from the Highest Power (HP) / God.