Love over Fear
“Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me, I will turn to see fear’s path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” – Frank Herbert
“Are you most trapped by the way the world sees you, or the way you see the world seeing you?” – R. A. Salvatore
. . .(we) aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of fear is love, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite.” – Course in Miracles

Fear creates a “veil” between ourselves and LIFE. It is impenetrable for one who carries fear within them. In nearly all of us, it makes us unable to see or even seek the truth about our LIFE. In most of mankind today, the veil is so thick that we cease to even feel real love or hope. Having mentally and emotionally cut ourselves off from LIFE and love, we hunger and thirst for fulfillment. And we start our search through the creation for anything that seems to satisfy our craving, our gnawing need. All these fixes are temporary.
Fear freezes us like deer in the headlights of an oncoming car. It is causes many good people to ignore both God and the encroachment of evil.
Fear creates mistrust and anger. Fear engenders hatred, dissension – and goads us into acts of injustice.
Fear is merely a reaction to what is UNconstructive. It creates more of itself.
To move out of fear, we must move from being AGAINST what is wrong to being FOR what is right. There is no peace in anything except Love.
Part of loving is to know that every thought, feeling, word, and action is either an extension of love – or a call for help. Part of loving fully is to be able to respond to those cries for help only out of Love – without fear, but instead with forgiveness and compassion. Love expresses itself in actions of caring that offer the suffering ones a gift of understanding powerful enough that the sufferer can raise him or herself out of the cause of their suffering, out of the cause of their cry for help. Love does not dominate or control. It gives Freedom and ability.
Our program Living Consciously® is a “how to” for doing that. Living Consciously is a “how to” for learning to sift out the fear-based choices and change them to Love.
This is accomplished by the conscious, constructive use of each individual’s Free Will – one person at a time. Once we can do that, the change to Love can become complete and permanent.
Love is at its most powerful when it is reciprocal. Out of Love emerges Justice.
Justice must be reciprocal to be sustainable.