
The shock, the fear, the confusion…the lingering sense of worthlessness and abandonment … the anger, lack, danger, and misery that accompany homelessness are tragic and cause deep-rooted suffering.
Sometimes the fear of it happening again is enough to cause a person to choose the “safety” of permanent homelessness. Certainly, the courageous act of struggling to one’s feet again can be met with a seeming onslaught of locked doors, apathy, hostility, and frustration.
Conscious Community offers keys for healing, to establish clarity, forgiveness, and the restoring of self-esteem and confidence to patiently rebuild a life of quality, security, and peace.
Today, not only is homelessness spreading due to an increasingly number of situations – including pandemic lockdown – the experience of homelessness is now repeating itself over generations of the same family.
See: Generational Homelessness , Statistical Report Overview, and Situational Homelessness