
In the increasing fear and stress in today’s society, anger and its hurtful expression have become more widespread and toxic. Often anger gets released at someone or something that is not the true provocation.
Releasing a burst of anger usually gives an immediate and temporary feeling of relief and/or surge of a feeling of power. It never does anything positive for a situation or the persons involved. Often it is an injustice. Usually, it digs us into a deeper hole.
Living Consciously® not only helps manage anger – it removes the CAUSES of anger. Let’s look at an example from very high-risk population – those reentering society from prison. For them, anger is generally a way of life, as well as a primary defense mechanism.
After the Living Consciously seminar and in mentoring sessions, this scenario has been played out repeatedly by reentry participants. The person announces, often with surprise, that he or she is not getting angry anymore. After assuring our mentor that they are not suppressing anger, observations like these are shared by the participant:
“With people and situations that used to make me major angry, I can now see that THEY are the ones who are messed up! Now I know that I don’t have to let their b- s- into me and my life! I’m not going to mess myself up because of their problems. …. The truth of the matter is that, getting angry never really did me or my life and relationships any good anyway….”
These people will no longer let others or situations “push their buttons” any more. They are the ones who control their lives. Typically, programs talk about “managing” anger. We have proven countless times that anger can be removed at its cause.
These reentry groups had a 41.2% improvement in anger management and reduction. Their groups also achieved between 0% to 8.3% recidivism rate at 16-30 months from the seminar.
Today,in the name of justice, the explosive nature of anger is being dangerously and diabolically manipulated toward acquiring power and wealth – and tearing down anything constructive in its way. Those after power and wealth use the symptoms of injustice to ignite anger, hatred, and violence. While creating more injustice, this strategy also polarizes We the People into entrenched division. Artificially sustained, this can have catastrophic results to anything that could protect and uphold justice.
In a community setting, the Living Consciously® program can be used to calmly, collaboratively, and wisely establish civil discourse. This leads to working together to remove injustice through mutual understanding and respect. This process also builds unity and ongoing responsible and fruitful relationships.
See: Criminality and Prison Reentry, Community Leadership