Forms of Bullying
Unfortunately, bullying happens throughout the spectrum of human relationships in many situations and locations. We just call it different names, such as:
- Domineering/ belittling adult relationships
- Ostracizing; exclusion; denial of opportunity
- Office politics; intimidation of employees by coworkers, supervisors, or management
- Denial of constitutional freedoms and opportunities based on gender, age, race, nationalit,y or religion
- Domestic violence; child abuse; senior abuse
- Encouraging economic slavery through debt; hidden and/or prolific fees; changing percentage rates without due cause
- Encouraging economic slavery through addiction to subsidies and hand outs
- Market monopoly; price fixing; unfair marketing practices
- Misuse of law enforcement powers; profiling; excessive use of force
- Facilitating drug, alcohol, and/or prescription medication addiction
- Criminality and violence
- Taking, without freely-given permission, what lawfully belongs to another, including personal information
- Intimidation; blackmail; extortion
- Imprisonment without due process; unrightful prosecution; cruel and unusual punishment
- Human trafficking; slavery; compelled labor, prostitution, or other heinous inflictions
- Subjugation and/or coercion by means of religious doctrine, including toward judging and condemning others, based on religious doctrine or faith issues
The more we can work together to raise the consciousness of the general population to the dynamics of victimization and bullying, the greater our collective power will be in successfully removing the earlier stages of bullying and addressing the more extreme cases, toward that same end, including:
- The enslavement of other by any means
- Human trafficking
- Terrorism, anarchy, insurrection by stealth or by violence
- Use of military force to take what belongs to another person, group, or country; war
- Disobedience to God’s Law of Love, as expressed by Jesus with his words, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” And “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
These are all just plain bullying. The dynamics are the same: victimization of a person or people perceived as weaker. Misuse of others for personal power or wealth.
Our society has taught our people to be such good victims that they often go along with or ignore the injustice of bullying, even when the victims far outnumber the bullies!