Casual vs Symptomatic
We use a causal approach. We put your life back in your hands – consciously and with confidence.
Our curricula are never taught. Rather, we facilitate the participants in the seminars to discover that they have the understanding, the answers, already within themselves to comprehend how LIFE works and how to build their own personal success. They also know what will make them fail. They know it is their choices – every day, every hour, every minute. With our facilitators guiding, the individuals in the group bring forth the issues germane to their own lives, work, and circumstances.
And they are the ones who also come up with the wisdom and illumination to perceive what is a helpful versus a hurtful choice, within those issues and situations.
Most trainings are symptomatic. That is, they focus on particular symptoms of behavior or a situation that they want to change. The problem holds center stage – not you. Then they work on the problem from the outside in, primarily using the mind and telling people how they should act. The subjects or students of these trainings are asked to memorize and practice the desired behavior, without being given full understanding of why.
Very often the causes of the unwanted behaviors are completely disregarded, not even mentally examined! So, the causes of your problems remain largely unchanged and are still operating in everyday life. And the problems keep coming back.
The objective in the symptomatic approach is to use mental force to change something in the physical aspect of an individual. The feelings and spirit of an individual are manipulated, instead of healed –or downplayed and avoided.