Before & After Photos! Reentry photos were taken about six weeks apart, before leaving prison and about two weeks after the Living Consciously(® seminar. Plus anecdotal comments from reentries and case managers: Lyndon: “To me, this class was nothing like other classes I’d done. I got a lot out of this Living Consciously.” Patrick: “Living Consciously has changed my life in a profound way. Something needed to change, but I didn’t realize it was me! I was the only person who was holding me back.” David: “Living Consciously helped me realize the power that can come from our spirit and mind. With that I’m building a new life.” Orlando: “I’ve done 11 years hard time and if this works for me, it can work for anybody. There’s nothing like it in any DOC program. LC works from the inside out, so anyone can look at themselves with a realistic perspective. They get the tools to build a constructive life. My life is now in my hands, and I know how to make it good.” Don: “Program brought information in a self-conscious focus, instead of through technical concepts” Jack: “When I entered this class I had my doubts. Now, I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to start controlling their own life.” Larry: “I needed this class 30 years ago!” Program and Case Managers’ Comments Program Manager: “All our clients who have Living Consciously® are miles ahead of the others in commitment, maturity, follow-through, staying power, and employability.” Case Manager “Complex principles presented simply and without pretense.” Case Manager: “Real world application for more than one aspect of life.” Case Manager: “(LC) is all encompassing. It takes into account physical, spirit, & feeling, unlike some behavior modification programs which only focus on thought (i.e. cognitive distortions.)” Case Manager: “Though we may have had some of these ideas in our minds, what I like is that now I have tools to implement them.”