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Healing trauma. Restoring well-being. Building unity and justice.
In today’s world, these may sound monumental. There is so much distress! People seem to be overwhelmed by busyness. We rush blindly through our lives, making choices by we want moment by moment. This creates confusion, unhappiness, fear, selfishness, and injustice
It’s like trying to get rid of weeds by cutting off the tops of them or even burying them.
They just grow back and multiply. And then we blame others for messing up our garden of life and descend into victimhood. If we band together based on blame, anger, hatred, and rage, we create even greater injustice. It is victimhood gone toxic.
Like two wise men have said:
“Having a grievance or a resentment is like drinking poison and thinking it will kill your enemy.” – Nelson Mandela
“As you sow, so shall you reap.” Jesus
The process for sustainable well-being, success, and justice is really quite simple. Choices are our seeds. Our small choices have the power to raise us out of limitation and victimhood and into freedom. This involves using our innate free will to consciously make choices that:
Identify causes versus concentrating on symptoms
Choose love over fear
Reconnect with the Source of our LIFE
Help each of us become our best self
Unite together using integrity-based core values
We are the only ones who can author our own lives. Each of us is writing our life by every choice we make consciously or unconsciously.
“This program will mend the fabric of the American people.” -Anonymous
Our program is a simple and kind “how to” live life consciously – on purpose – and reap happy, meaningful, impactful, and sustainable results.
This program can help us build Justice, based in love, that is reciprocal, and thereby, sustainable.
See: Our Highest Common Denominator, Causal vs Symptomatic, Change the Paradigm, Scientific Proof of God